Here's the map:
This week at work was truly shitty--I mean, honestly, any week the involves a trip to Baltimore is a little iffy to begin with--but I worked more hours that I have in a long, long time, and this project is certainly not getting any more fun or engaging. By far my work experience here has been a real stinker and has brought my spirits low about living in Raleigh across the board. In case I hadn't yet conveyed that in previous posts...
On a more positive note, though, I did host my first guests last weekend--Mom and Steve. They stopped by on their way south to the Keys/Bahamas for the winter. Some photos:

We went to the State Fair, which was so crowded by midafternoon that you really couldn't get anywhere. Quite a shame, because it all looks like fun if you took about two thirds of the people away. That's what you get for going on the weekend, I guess.
Now time to catch up on my LEED exam studying, which has lagged due to having no energy after a long week of work...