Now, just have to keep Fenway from scratching it up and making it instantly worthless. So the trappings of a real life are starting to collect here--car brakes that don't sound like they'll break on my next commute, furniture, wireless internet... yes, it's costing a lot, but so far I'm not at risk of getting myself into debt. You know... more debt. Still plenty of student loans to pay off.
With at least three named tropical storms kicking around right now, can I ask a simple question? When did hurricanes become political events? While visiting Grandma this weekend, I was forced to watch/roll eyes at Fox News. Their entire converage of Gustav last night was POLITICAL REPORTING. It was 100% about how the GOP was reacting to Gustav in regards to their convention planning. I sat there for an hour waiting for someone to simply say "Gustav is expect to make landfall at _____ at about _____ o'clock tomorrow." Nuthin. It was instead "McCain has halted all RNC activities for day one in order to 'focus attention' on the hurricane preparedness and cleanup efforts for Hurrican Gustav." They repeated that about every 30 seconds with a rolling clip of him and Tina Fey visiting the hurricane preparedness center, shaking lots of hands and apparently getting briefed on NO INFORMATION.
Like, I get it. Zoiks, Scoob. Hurricane. Fucked up once before, gotta get it right now, make sure Katrina isn't a Republican thing for ever and ever. But who shed a goddamn tear a couple weeks ago as Tropical Storm Fay hit Florida FOUR TIMES and dumped half the fucking Atlantic all over the flattest and wettest state in the country? I don't remember McCain or Obama cancelling any events except THE ONES IN FLORIDA. So honestly, folks. This is bullshit. Hurricanes are not political events and should not be in political news. Especially if they aren't being preceded by or followed by horrible political ineptitude, which has obviously not been the case this time around. Get back to your fucking party in MINNESOTA and get on with your lame ass convention.
And Tina Fey is OURS. Give her back.
LL Bean cotton duck slipcovers. Indestructable, totally washable, solves all your cat hair and couch-destruction problems. They are not cheap, but they look nice and totally protect the couch, and you can whip them off when you have company, and then toss them back on when company leaves. (Or not.) My guys seem only to stick their claws in brocade, for some reason, though, so our microsuede couches go mostly unmolested, unless a cat toy gets stuck somewhere. You may or may not already know that giving them alternative places to scratch is exactly NO help whatsoever. Enjoy your nice-lookin' new couch!
Uncle Paul! You got a couch! You're big now! I miss you!
After spending many hundreds of dollars on the couch, I would rather break Fenways arms than buy another expensive accessory. Thankfully, I think the material is really not very attractive for scratching...he hasn't paid it much attention unless I was right there and he was just trying to get my attention. I did, however, buy $10 worth of No-Scratch spray. I sprayed some in the cap and brought it to him to test it. He seems to like it! Maybe I'll use it to spice his kibble...
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