Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thanks, AAA

Thank God I decided to jump in my car this afternoon to get some gas and a coffee instead of waiting until right before my exam tomorrow morning to start it up... because it was DEAD. Even the odometer and the clock had given up the ghost. It seems I had left the damn lights on, and it also seems that my lights do NOT have an automatic turning-off thing, as I had assumed (considering that this is not the first time I jumped in my car and flipped the lights on only to find that I just flipped the switch off instead, and yet still got the car to start). So, knowing no one here where I live, I was forced to call AAA. The wait was excruciating--not because I was stuck on the side of a highway in the middle of nowhere, which I imagine is not a fun wait, but because it was getting on late afternoon on a Sunday, meaning my chances of finding an open mechanic or even a walk-to-able store that sells car batteries open for business was growing slimmer by the minute. The AAA guy finally showed up and said my battery had one volt left in it. He then hooked up his special plastic box and capow, the car started right up (well, I still had to turn the key, but it took almost no time to get the thing going is what I mean). And then I took a magical drive, circumnavigating the city's beltline, then heading out to the airport, getting lost somewhere west of Cary, as I'm prone to do, and finally after putting 1.5 hours of high-RPM time into the battery, I came home.

Hope she starts up tomorrow; I'd feel pretty pathetic to take a cab to the exam.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Go Go Paul! Good luck on your exam!