Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Ides of October

Apparently Massachusetts is getting snow today, as evidenced by the football game I'm watching live from Foxborough. Today. October 18. Not even Halloween. Barely past Columbus Day. Ouch, folks. Does anyone question why I'm in North Carolina now?

Sure, it's cold here in Raleigh today, too--in fact, when I went out this morning to shop for miscellaneous household creature comforts at 10ish, it smelled a little snowy here, too. But the cold we're talking is, like, 50's. Sweatshirt weather. Slow-setting intermittant wipers weather. Reading the Sunday paper indoors weather. Not taking the TV out to the stoop to watch football weather.

Man, the Titans are really blowing. Sorry, Tennessee.

I'm amidst my inter-exam period, which means no need to do anything this weekend (aside from laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, cat feeding, bill paying, cat pee deorderizing, etc., etc.). The next exam is Schematic Design, which is entirely drawing-based, meaning there really isn't "material" to "study." So perhaps I can get through the holidays with a minimal amount of exam study time suck.

To fill in that gap of otherwise enjoyable free time, I will be preparing a presentation on Raleigh planning for my professional colleagues, Christmas shopping (no idea where Christmas will be yet...), and outfitting my apartment one item at a time (I bought a plant today!). And keeping the volleyball torch going as long as possible...

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