Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A New Colony Begins

I'm drawn to writing this blog first because I have some inexplicable romantic notion about leaving "home" and being off in some strange place all alone, second, because the idea of documenting this romantic notion and its inevitable plummet to the real world comes with its own romantic notion; and third, because it saves me having to e-mail everyone I know with the same damn stories.

I could have started writing more than a week ago. Actually, forget that; Time Warner cable was not cooperative on that, and although I like the Cameron Village branch of the Raleigh Library, I wasn't about to deplete my latop battery blogging from outside home. Certainly, though, I could have started writing several days ago and have often planned to but found other, less reflective passtimes, such as watching TV (Time Warner thwarts my blog again!), going to sleep early, angsting about getting a job, Facebooking, etc. etc. These are all excuses, though. I think what keeps me from writing is that I feel the need to blog profoundly. After all, who the hell would read about what I ate for breakfast? Especially if it's the same thing I had yesterday, and the same thing I had every day in Cambridge? Either I'm caught up in my own minutia, in which case I would rather spare myself and everyone else a full documentation, or something important is happening and I'm not sitting at my desk recording it. I guess that means that unless something amazing happens while I'm at my computer, this is going to be one very unwritten blog.


It's time to part with this notion of blogging/writing profoundly. If you choose to come back and stay with me here, profundity may make an appearance now and then, but it won't be standard operating procedure. Time for all of us to get wrapped up in the dumb life minutia of some 30-year-old guy who moved from Boston to Raleigh because he thought life might be better for it. Hey! I stopped referring to myself as a kid! I'm a guy now! Huh...

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Profundity is overrated. At least, what you yourself think of as profound. I've heard tell that some people read my blog every day and hang on every word, so . . . just do your thang! :)